Starting a food and wine business from home - What you need to know

What do you need to be aware of?

Local authority licensing. Change of use to business. Any restircitions in your lease about running a business from home. 

Health and Safety and Storage

Food storage - such as vegetables not left uncovered on the floor overnight or even in open top containers where birds and insects and rats and ice can eat and urinate on the food. Yup. 


Most businesses make a loss in the first year. You need finance to cover debts fro money you pay out, wages, cost of materials, and buyers who don't pay you on time or ever. 

Delivery cost.

advertising and marketing.

Free gifts, pencils, tee shirt, business cards, websites.

Plus security and theft. Investment in larger machinery and storage. \

Lastly, tax. Are you making a profit? Will you? Or are you a charity or raising money for charity? What are charity rules? You may be restricted from using the name of the charity as if they endorse you when they do not, yet.

Babysitting - elsehwere

Babysitting to keep youngsters out of the way or vehicles, heavy items being moved, hot items being cooked, not distracting you, and not vulnerable to strangers coming and going.

Useful Websites



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